Miller and Miller


Youth Ministries & Education

ACTS – After Confirmation Talks & Service Group

Lord’s Lambs – Elementary Youth

P.E.A.C.E. – Middle School Youth

“Online” Sunday School

Sunday School – All Youth

Check Out Our Weekly Bible Stories!
Follow Me.pdf | Blessed Are.pdf |  God's Way to Live.pdf | Listen to Him.pdf | Who Is My Neighbor.pdf | Party Time.pdf | Lost and Found.pdf | Welcome Home.pdf | The King of Glory Comes.pdf | He is Risen.pdf

Here you can listen to our Weekly Bible Stories! Just click on the title.
Follow Me.pdf | Blessed Are |  God's Way to Live | Listen to Him | Who Is My Neighbor | Party Time | Lost and Found | Welcome Home | The King of Glory Comes | He is Risen

Here is our Kindle - ebook

Church Mission

“River Haven” would like to thank all who have been a part of its successful opening in January. Our continuing progress in teaching independent skills relies on all of the volunteers who have been willing to share their time and talents, hearts and hands.

The River Haven Steering Committee is asking PPC and/or a group here at PPC to accept the challenge of dedicating one day per month as our volunteering scheduling opportunity.

An example would be to “pick a date” – for instance, the 16th day of each month – and be responsible for signing up volunteers for the five time slots that need to be covered that day. This would allow each volunteer to work only one time each month, sharing the gift of caring throughout all of Columbia County.

Some of the tasks and responsibilities of a volunteer may include:

  • offering a positive and encouraging presence, understanding that bringing a book to read during quiet times means that the shelter is successful.
  • assisting with cleaning, food preparation and homework, as requested.
  • preparing bedrooms for new residents
  • being available to answer questions, interacting with residents and even playing with children


Our Office

You are always welcome at The Portage Presbyterian Church!

The Staff:
Pastor: David Hankins

Financial Secretary:
Vanessa Chapman
(Vanessa is normally in the office Thursday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 p.m.)
Church Secretary:
Kathy Hankins
(Kathy is in the Church Office Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.)

The Portage Presbyterian Church
120 West Pleasant Street
P.O. Box 222
Portage, WI, 53901
Phone: (608) 742-6006

Support for your Portage Presbyterian Church Community through on-line giving

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A warm, inviting community of believers who offer times and spaces of sanctuary, compassion, worship, fellowship and peace